Sunday, December 26, 2010

country road
a country road on our way home from seeing family, christmas eve day.

christmas eve
the magic of Santa, who came in the night to hang ribbon for E.

the joy of new toys and stickers and books.

santa left surprises
unwrapped and under the tree :)

breakfast leftovers
our dishwasher after breakfast.

some bowling
a little bowling with the family gift.

some napping
and a much needed nap before dinner.

making music
making music with friends christmas night.

making music with friends

with jim
J (her godfather) helping with the trombone.

time with the greyhounds
A (E's godmother) and Iris, their newest greyhound.

a glass of red wine.

with sabrina
love between A and Sabrina...


christmas tree lights
all in the glow of christmas light.

this year was filled with magic.
hope yours was too.


  1. That is so sweet, I feel so at peace watching thes photo of yours. Underneath your christmas tree is a very lovely place, I adore your wall paint color.


  2. Gorgeous pictures! Lovely way to spend christmas!

  3. wonderful photos, wishing you a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year full of many blessings.

  4. Beautiful photos of your Christmas. Everything looks happy and peaceful. I love your dog, he's so pretty.

  5. Oh, look at E and the dogs, so lovely... melt my heart! Santa uses a Chinese Christmas Sock:)



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