Saturday, December 25, 2010





pictured here is the nativity i grew up with, that i remember from my first days that memory came to be. it was my favorite "decoration" that kept me engaged and intrigued for hours. in the 40+ years that my mom was married to my dad, this traveled with us through every christmas... from Maryland to Bangladesh to Iran to Texas and finally here. i was deeply honored that my mom left such a cherished keepsake to me and i love it as much as she did.

hope everyone is having a warm and happy christmas :)


  1. oh, these are wonderful! and you captured them beautifully!
    merry christmas!

  2. Wonderful images and touching story. I hope you have a luminous Christmas.

  3. hey, thanks for visiting. I'm glad I found your blog this way. I love your photography and def add you to my regular reads :)

    merry christmas from London

  4. Nostalgia and memory are such an intrinsic part of christmas……..this little crèche is so delightful, it deserves to be loved!

  5. Dear K, I am amazed that you and your family had been living in Bangladesh and Iran. My parents are becoming really old now, both are 77 years old now. I will go back to China next spring and thinking of doing a lot together with them...
    Cheers for the old and good memories!



|if 2010-2011 |