don't you wish you could, at least for a moment, just stand still in the wind? nothing but that. no phone. no obligations. no work. no traffic or noise. just you, the clear blue sky, the sun and the wind.
on a side note, i just splurged and picked up THIS and THIS. i am recently very interested in the history of photography and am reading everything i can get my hands on. i am also currently reading THIS (sent as a gift from my future father-in-law)... powerful. what is not described in this link are the stories that narrate each photograph, the cameras used, and the climate of the time in which the picture was taken. i have taken a tremendous interest in photojournalism since watching this film: Not As I Pictured, and am very grateful that its creator lives in my small college town, and we've come to know one another and will be meeting in the next couple of weeks (and, as it turns out, his work was featured in Moments). i am humbled and star struck and will no doubt fumble my way through that lunch :)
if you see no other documentary in your life, see this one. you will not regret it. even if cancer has never touched your life, this film will. you can get a copy through the website linked above and also view the trailer.
(pentax, fuji superia 400)
yes it's my wish too especially on crazy days :) thanks for sharing the link. it's really powerful isn't it? it reminds me of the kinds of things i take for granted that i ought to be alot more thankful for.